Frequently Asked Questions

When will The Orange Report online tool be available?
April 2019; watch social media for coupon codes!
Number of Subscribers and Suppliers on board?
We have 132 suppliers listed on the day of launch. We are adding new Suppliers regularly so check back often.
How does The Orange Report differ from some of the competitors?
The Orange Report offers services and products to the entire life sciences marketplace whereas all other competitors are restricted to certain fields. Plus, anyone can join our community there is no company size or total budget limitations.
How does joining this community help my due diligence activities?
We know that global Health Authorities have high expectations for firms; knowing the quality culture for each supplier before entering into contractual agreements. Learn more by watching our webinar here. We help by gathering information in one place for you. We do all the searches, which can save you months of time instead of waiting for a response. Our Orange Report analysis reports provide insights into targeted, global, audit and inspection trends. We don't say if a Supplier is good or bad, but we tell you all we can about them, highlight details and trends globally across the Business Groups and Service Areas allowing you to take all this information into your risk-based assessment process to make informed decisions. You might decide you still need to perform additional activities for your unique or high-risk concerns but and that's great; allowing you to and the Supplier to focus on those items and SAVING you both TIME AND MONEY!
How much does it cost to join as a Supplier?
It's FREE! See below for additional details and options.
How much does it cost to Subscribe?
You can join monthly or save if you join for the year. See below for additional details and options.
May I advertise my firm or event on The Orange Report?
Yes! Please create an account as a Supplier and if you'd only like to advertise, choose the Advertiser Only Business Group. This will allow you to purchase advertising online without displaying your firm as a Supplier (e.g., ideal for industry organizations). Any Supplier may purchase advertising through their account. The rates are seen upon selection and are very cost effective. There are limited opportunities each month, so plan ahead.
What does SEED mean?
Search, Evaluate, Enhance and Decide - these are the four (4) steps to using The Orange Report community to support your due diligence activities. If you do not have a process or want more information about conducting risk-based supplier assessments, watch our webinar here.
How much does it normally cost to conduct a qualification assessment and audit?
The costs for the buyer and supplier can vary but usually each party spends over $10,000USD completing remote questionnaires, documents for review and hosting a two (2)-day qualification audit.
My procurement group requires me to "qualify" the top 3 suppliers from my RFP; can you help?
Yes! You can search the online tool for all the Suppliers and if one you are looking for is not listed, we will reach out to the directly. You can purchase Orange Reports, where applicable, to use within your qualification process.
How long does a typical US FDA Freedom of Information Act request take? Do other Health authorities have a similar process?
The average US FDA FOIA request takes six (6) months to receive a response and costs over $100 USD. A few other Health Authorities offer a FOIA-type request process but usually do not disclose inspection results; they may share the date of an inspection.
How does the Orange Report get the data within the database and the Orange Reports?
Firstly, we solicited life sciences companies to gain their support. We conducted public searches, including global agency requests for information and online inspection libraries. Lastly, we leveraged audit data from our partner, FDA Quality and Regulatory Consultants, to anonymize data but identify trends within the Business Groups and Services Areas.
What is the difference between the online tool and The Orange Reports for purchase?
The online tool allows users with a subscription to Search and Evaluate information about Suppliers. If they'd like to know more, they can purchase the available Orange Report that may include capabilities presentations, a completed qualification questionnaire and an audit supplement based on the Supplier's level of participation to Evaluate and Decide. When you click on the Supplier's name, you will see if an Orange Report is available. See below for more details on the different reports.
How do you protect my personal and confidential information?
The Orange Report has a detailed User Agreement that is required for all users. By agreeing to these terms, you are allowing The Orange Report and the Suppliers you interact with to contact you. We do not sell your information. Suppliers that are labeled as Supporters have undergone an independent audit and agreed to release this information for the business purposes outlined in the agreement.